Monday, February 07, 2005

Rules of Engagement.....

The country is at war. Thousands of miles away, brave men and women bear arms against an enemy. We have invaded countries in the desire to protect our nation and in doing so have removed tyrants who's routine acts are beyond our worst nightmares. The catalyst for this struggle, an act of war which stole 3,000 of our brothers and sisters, not in Iraq or Afghanistan, but here in the homeland. The threat, though somewhat diminished, remains.....

A Question: Is the threat to our country greater here or there? Surely it must be here with our population centers, the infrastructure, and the economy which provides for us all.

The Issue: Since the greater threat is here at home, where the attack which initiated our bold actions occurred. Have the rules of engagement changed for those who protect the borders of our nation? Have we moved from a peacetime to a wartime enforcement posture? Recently while traveling home from Europe, I encountered those with a steely-eyed vigilance and MP5s. While carrying a red passport and moving from one plane to another, I was searched three times. Perhaps I would have felt better if I had been cordially greeted with a smile and welcomed to their country for the hour I was there. . . . but I doubt it.