Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Minimizing the threat.....

I read with interest an article in the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, the story of illegal immigrants being smuggled into the US. Two men drive across the border at a remote port of entry, noting some discrepancies, the port Officers contact Border Patrol to follow the vehicle as it leaves. As so often happens, the Officer's instincts were correct. Soon after, Border Patrol stops the vehicle and finds seven illegal immigrants.

A typical story on the Southern border, seven illegals crossing to find work in the fields, or maybe move to the big city and get a job working construction..... An everyday occurrence, right? Coyotes moving human contraband. Except one thing, it happened in Lynden, WA, not on the Southern border. Two Canadian men smuggling illegal aliens, but not Mexicans wanting to find a job, but illegals from India and Pakistan. Pakistan, yes that same Pakistan that trained and harbored terrorists. The same Pakistan that provided nuclear secrets and technology to those we seek to prevent from harming our country.

And what of our two "Canadian Coyotes", described in the article as not knowing the seriousness of their crime, and only receiving $750.00 each to smuggle the illegal aliens. They will receive no jail time, as they apologized for their actions, saying they had learned their lesson and of course, they will never do it again.

Can you honestly equate the threat of terrorists from Canada with that of laborers from Mexico?
Can you honestly say that coyotes from the South would have been described in such endearing terms? Minimizing the threat shows a lack of proper perspective from the author of the article.
It does, however, show the vigilance and teamwork of the border agencies.