Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Observations from the Northland....

As we conclude our interdiction training on the longest unguarded border in the world, I have a few observations.

The Officers doing the job really want to do the best job they can.

The status quo keeps them from doing that.

By hosting and supporting the training, the managers are showing their desire
to change the status quo.

In order to make the changes, the Officers need to push the envelope a little to
break the routine and throw some curves to the bad guys.

The terrorist threat is much greater on the Northern border than on the Southern border(quantifiable) .

One final note, if the folks running the show would turn the troops loose and put them in a full enforcement mode, they would impress the hell out of everyone. It is the border, we are going to inspect you and we don't care if you are white, black or purple. We don't care what you are wearing or driving. We will conduct a threat assessment, make the call, do what we need to do to keep the country safe and by doing that we will keep you safe. Steely eyed vigilance is what I like to call it, let the travelers know they are crossing an international border and it is more than just crossing the street. Be professional and the public will understand that we are working for them.

BT out!