Sunday, January 22, 2006

Just an observation...

OK folks, let's review:

For about a year, you have been hearing about all the immigration problems and the challenges of the Southern Border. The media, the Minutemen, the Congress folks all blowing a bunch of rhetoric as to the huge problem and terrorist are going to invade and the MS-13 and the OTMs and I could go on and on.

Here is the question:

What have they done about it? Anything besides exercise their jaw muscles? Nope. Now there have been some bills passed in the House, but nothing out of Congress as a whole, nothing.


Because the real problem isn't the Southern Border, the real problem is Congress.

Here is a solution, one of many, Change the immigration laws to match today's issues and put a lot more personnel on the border, all of the borders. You may think that I mean the Mexican and Canadian borders, and I do, but don't forget the coast, the seaports and airports.

The solutions are there, if only Congress would provide the mandate and of course the money.
More solutions will follow and remember, anyone can complain, but if you aren't willing to provide solutions, you aren't helping.