Wednesday, January 18, 2006

What a Great Example of Some of the Problems...

I read a report today that illustrates some of the problems prior to 9/11 and the Millenium Bomber, as well as some problems that continue today. While I don't normally link to stories, this one is worth reading and digging around for the whole report, so here goes:

In short, the report illustrates that prior to the capture of Ahmed Ressam by U.S. Customs at the Port Angeles, WA in December of 1999, our anti-terrorism enforcement posture was pretty much non-existent. A male subject from the middle east and admittedly affiliated with a terrorist group was captured trying to enter the U.S. illegally in the area around Whatcom County, WA on several different occassions. Border Patrol did a good job in interdicting him everytime, but that is when things went to hell. The first couple of times he was VRd (vountary return) back to Canada, who agreed to accept him. The last time, he was caught with a couple of others trying to board a bus. This time Canada would not accept him and charges were brought. In this situation, he was allowed to stay in the U.S. and eventually posted a $15,000 bond and was released, promising to return for a court date. He ends up being arrested in Brooklyn with explosive devices preparing to conduct an attack on the NY subways.

After you read the whole report, here is what can be learned:

Our Enforcement Posture regarding Terrorism did not exist and if we are not vigilant, we will end up in the same situation.

Immigration Law is really screwed up and needs to be changed and the only entity that can solve this problem is Congress.

Don't be fooled by the media hype and political rhetoric, from a Terrorism Perspective, Canada is a much greater threat to the U.S. than Mexico.