Sunday, November 06, 2005

Are you watching Paris....

There are those with knowledge and wisdom who predict that France will become the first Muslim country in Europe. If you haven't been watching the riots in France, you should be...

Back in the late 70s, young Muslims would march in the streets here in the U.S. protesting the Shah of Iran, it did not take long for them to take action and the outcome was a new fundamental Islamic government in Iran and 444 days of captivity for many Americans. It started with the youth.

It is the youth that are rebelling in France, and while some media outlets downplay the Islamic influence, those of us that with knowledge and wisdom are watching history coming around again. Whether this is the catalyst or just the kindling, the result will be the expansion of Islam and perhaps the modern crusades.

Will brave men don armor and take to their steeds ... or have they already?