Tuesday, September 20, 2005

It has to be said again...

The abolished Phoenix has risen...

After the London bombings, I thought maybe the momentum was changing, but I see new scenarios and they repeat the same mistakes of the past.

The goals is to prevent terrorists and other bad guys from entering the country through interdiction.

I am training people to conduct threat assessment on people and things coming into the country.

Based on that threat assessment, these people or things are either admitted or detained/arrested.

That is what it is about, conducting proper threat assessment takes care of the facilitation of legitimate travelers and goods, because they do not pose a threat, hence, they are released.

It runs from DC on down, they should have put the abolished leaders in a place where they can take care of the bureaucratic tasks that may be necessary, WITHOUT distracting from the mission.

They should not be running programs or training. When they do, it perpetuates the mindset and the mistakes of the past.

It is a constant struggle from those of us who are used to providing training at a superior level to interact with those who continually perpetuate mediocrity or below as the status quo. Especially when they are at upper levels and making decisions based on their exerience which, supposedly no longer exists. Rod Serling would fit right in....