Sunday, August 14, 2005

Securing the Borders.....

If Congress really wants to secure the borders, it can be done. All you need is the manpower, meaning they have to hire thousands of new Patrol Agents. You have to get them out of the office, which means making it easier to deport those who enter the country illegally. Get their prints, photos, put them in the system, make sure they don't already have warrants and then send them back.

I don't just mean on the Southern Border either, same procedure for those crossing illegally from the North. In some cases where the Ports are overstaffed, we should use those Officers between the borders as well. A new version of the Customs Patrol Officer. They are all designated as immigration Officers and could certainly help with the situation.

On another front, technology could help as well. If we can detect and track submarines at sea, we can certainly do the same on our border rivers and lakes.

I don't know what the stats are now, but there was a time when the BP Academy washed out about half of their trainees during the long 26 weeks. That means hiring twice as many, to make sure of the numbers getting to the field.

It boils down to this, Congress has to provide the funding, change the Immigration laws to allow those charged with securing the borders to work more efficiently and realize that political rhetoric is nothing but bluster, so as they say down South, "mochate"