Thursday, July 21, 2005

Why even have a 4th amendment....

I find it sad and amazing that as a result of the second round of bombings in London that New York City wants to toss the 4th amendment rules regarding search and seizure. Even worse, they are not going to target suspicious individuals and develop at least reasonable suspicion, they are going to do random searches... you know like TSA. The least effective method of inspection is going to be implemented. The knee jerk reaction is to trample on the Constitution. My friends, the terrorists win when we trade our freedoms for false security. If America is not willing to stand up for the principles past generations have given us, we don't deserve them. NYC stand up and tell Ray Kelly to take a walk. He was the commissioner of Customs, he above all should know about effective searches and targeting. Random means no suspicion at all, not some or mere, not reasonable, not probable cause to search... none. You know, like in China or the Soviet Union and that is not an overstatement. The pretense is and was for state security. NYC sacrificed 3,000 people because they represented America, don't let the people you put in office show those people such disrespect. Tell them to shove it...