Maybe the Military and Fence Should be on the Canadian Border...
Last night, 17 terrorists were arrested in Toronto. Authorities showed evidence of bomb making materials and indicated that the group had acquired over 6,000 pounds of Ammoniun Nitrate and other components to produce explosive devices. They also seized weapons and communication gear. This is continued evidence of the presence of terrorists in Canada. Furthermore, the terrorists had attended a training camp in Canada.
The terrorists were all citizens or residents of Canada. As lax as the Canadian immigration policy has been throughout their history, the citizens could be naturalized. The arrests came after the FBI provided information to Canada derived from an investigation of two men from Georgia. With all this happening, I keep hearing Lou Dobbs as he gushes over the Canadian Ambassador telling him how much we love Canada on his show last June.
These arrests follow a raid last November where four Canadian residents, refugees from Algeria, who had lived in Canada for as long as six years were arrested. Included in the group was an Al Qaida trained explosives expert who had participated in camps in Afghanistan. This group had aligned itself with Bin Laden and al Zarqawi.
Once again, you have to ask yourself where the greater threat lies? Is it along the Southern Border where those who seek work in the U.S. make their attempts to enter or the Northern Border from a land that continues to harbor and cultivate both foreign and domestic terrorists? In a country that is host to terrorist training camps. If you are a regular reader, you will recall the numbers of those interdicted entering the U.S. illegally from source terrorist countries is certainly greater along the Northern Border. You make the decision, exactly where do you want the fence built and along which border do you want the military patrolling? The answer seems clear....
The terrorists were all citizens or residents of Canada. As lax as the Canadian immigration policy has been throughout their history, the citizens could be naturalized. The arrests came after the FBI provided information to Canada derived from an investigation of two men from Georgia. With all this happening, I keep hearing Lou Dobbs as he gushes over the Canadian Ambassador telling him how much we love Canada on his show last June.
These arrests follow a raid last November where four Canadian residents, refugees from Algeria, who had lived in Canada for as long as six years were arrested. Included in the group was an Al Qaida trained explosives expert who had participated in camps in Afghanistan. This group had aligned itself with Bin Laden and al Zarqawi.
Once again, you have to ask yourself where the greater threat lies? Is it along the Southern Border where those who seek work in the U.S. make their attempts to enter or the Northern Border from a land that continues to harbor and cultivate both foreign and domestic terrorists? In a country that is host to terrorist training camps. If you are a regular reader, you will recall the numbers of those interdicted entering the U.S. illegally from source terrorist countries is certainly greater along the Northern Border. You make the decision, exactly where do you want the fence built and along which border do you want the military patrolling? The answer seems clear....
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