Monday, December 25, 2006

Merry Christmas.....

Today, this Blessed Christmas Day when we celebrate the most Holy of events, is a day to count blessings and not moan about anything. I am blessed with a wonderful family and some great friends and those are the most important things... as I continually tell those I train. I have been fortunate to be able to contribute to the safety of the nation, which gives me tremendous gratification. So today I wish you all the best and hope that you are with family and friends and that you prosper in the fast approaching new year. In harmony with the reason for this blog, remember that to a huge extent, this is a war of religion and the more you know of history and religion, the better you can protect this blessed nation.


Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Still here....

Don't go away, we are still here. Thought we had some good news Friday, but BP is holding out, that is alright. Things haven't changed any except that some local opportunities have arisen due to people bailing. When you are at the top of the list, there is nothing else you can do, but hope that fairness and common sense prevail over ego and bias. What ever happens, this won't just disappear. We will continue or let you know why.