Friday, December 18, 2009

Merry Christmas to All...

Well, in case you have been wondering, I am still around. A couple of years ago I moved to a different position back in the great State and have been quite busy ever since. Unfortunately, as a personal decision, I did not think it was fair to continue posting due to my new responsibilities. As far as I can tell, things haven't changed much, a better wage for those in the trenches which is deserved and may stem attrition to a certain extent. I still bemoan the loss of institutional knowledge of the foundation, but perhaps that was the plan. What I really want to do is wish you all a wonderful Christmas and encourage you to surrender to the season. Surround yourself with those you love, family and friends. Give thanks for your blessings and start or continue to pray for help with the challenges that you and we all face. Life is too short, make the most of it through your relationships with those you love and remember, if you don't tell them you love them they may never know.

I may yet figure out a way to continue here so thanks for checking in and please accept my best and warmest regards during this Holiest of seasons.