As the old philosopher and crooner Jerry Jeff has said, Hi Buckaroos......
I am indeed back in the deep South, which is kind of funny since where I come from, we consider those in this area Yankees. You know, north of San Antonio it is all the same. Well Texas was just like I remember it, in the eighties on Christmas day, quite a change since last year when it snowed. It was a very busy time and honestly, not very relaxing, but it was nice to be around family and some friends, including my buddy Oscar, fresh from Iraq. I am very thankful to have him back safe and sound. I even got to hunt with him. The ranch is looking great and I will post some pics when I get a chance. I only went a couple of times, but what a great and historic place for me and my family. We were short some folks as not all the family could make it this year and some were down with the flu, not the bird kind, but it still nailed them hard.
On Christmas Eve, went went over to my youngest brother's house, a great home to say the least. I got to visiting with his father in law, who was sharing information on the huge numbers of illegal aliens he has seen while traversing to and from his ranch. He got to drawing maps and explaining how he thought they were evading the BP check points, this was seconded by my other younger brother who is also on the ranch roads quite a bit and has friends in the areas we were discussing. Now all of us are of Hispanic descent and have long generational ties to the area, even before it was Texas, but what you will find is that they don't care for alien smuggling at all. I have a job to do and have never had a problem enforcing the law, but these are folks that have a healthy respect for people willing to work to support their families, where ever they are from. Believe it or not, there is a difference to them, when it comes to this organized violation of federal law and they have no problem calling BP.
A couple of years back, my younger brother walked into his house at the ranch and found a few illegal aliens all dressed in black inside. Since they were between him and the guns, he made a hasty exit and went to the next ranch over to borrow a gun. The old man there lent him an old, and I do mean old, German Luger. Well he hightailed it into the monte, because he knew how the trails ran and sure enough caught one of the bad guys. He had called it in and the the first on the scene was an old Aggie buddy Game Warden. He cleared the house and all was back to fairly normal. I share this tale just to illustrate that there isn't really a whole lot of support for illegal immigration where I come from, even though those media and political talking heads don't realize it. This is the segway to the border fence....
Face it, it is a stupid idea that would waste millions. It won't keep anyone out, ask yourself, if it was you trying to cross the border, would it stop you? No! The truth is that if you want to keep out illegal aliens, you need more Patrol Agents. Not the army or machine gun nests on the fence, just alot more patrol agents. Where you have a surplus of CBP Officers, you ought to use them as well. Use high tech tools, but make sure the tools work for the Agents and not the other way around.
If you are using terrorism as an excuse for the fence, you ought to build it on the Northern Border. It won't stop them either, but at least you will be closer to the terrorism problem. The threat is so much greater up there, but just wait, when they catch someone from Pakistan down South they will say, "see we told you". Ofcourse they catch folks from terrorist countries on a regular basis on the Northern Border, but the media doesn't cover it the same as on the Southern Border. ( If you are a regular reader, you will recall the Seattle Intelligencer story).
Anyway, I am back, though every time I leave Texas, I wonder what the hell is wrong with me. A couple of years ago, I could justify it by the cutting edge enforcement training that I had a large hand in, now it is hard to say that. Something good will happen, I believe....